Re-discover the DOOM universe in this unique tribute and discover a new part of the red planet.

Published (or updated) in May 30th, 2019.

2DOOM2DOOM is a 2D demake the most famous FPS that features cute pixel art graphics, awesome controls and a challenging, intense, violent, and bloody adventure!

In 2DOOM, the plot remains the same: you’re a ballsy marine lost on Mars with a mission to fend off a demoniac invasion. You are all alone, but you know how to use a shotgun and a BFG and you’ve been trained for that.

The creators of this HTML5 game, Valryon, Plus and the Fun Institute, want you to re-discover the DOOM universe in this unique tribute and discover a new part of the red planet. We, from Ace Online Games, want you to have fun as well!


Keyboard (choose binding in menu)

  • Arrow Keys: Move
  • X, Z, W or CTRL: Shoot
  • C, E or SHIFT: Throw grenade (when available)
  • Space Bar: Jumps
  • 1, 2, 3 and 4: Select weapons


  • Joystick or DPad: Move
  • A/Cross: Jump
  • X/Square: Shoot
  • B/Circle: Throw grenade (when available)
  • RB LB/R1 L1: Change weapons


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