An online version of the MS-DOS port of Pole Position, the Namco's arcade racing game released originally in 1982, to the arcades, where you have to complete a time trial lap at the Fuji Racetrack against CPU-controlled cars. Get the full info here.


Pole Position (ポールポジション) is an arcade racing video game developed by Namco and originally released in July 1982. It was ported to other platforms and the one you will have here to play online, for browsers (HTML5) is it’s MS-DOS version.

In Pole Position, the player is a Formula 1 pilot and has to complete a time trial lap within a certain amount of time to qualify for a F1 race at the Fuji Racetrack against seven other CPU-controlled cars. The player must also avoid going off the road in order to not crash into the billboards.

Pole Position was the first racing game to feature a track based on a real racing circuit. It was also the first game to feature a qualifying lap, requiring the player to complete a time trial before they can compete in Grand Prix races.

This Namco classic is regarded as one of the most influential and important video games of all times.


  • F1 – Starts
  • F5 – Toggles sounds
  • ESC – Quits game
  • The driving controls can be defined in-game by pressing F9 at the title screen.

More formula racing

Added In: September 23rd, 2017

Categories: Arcade, Classics, Racing

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Developer and/or publisher: Namco

Views: 30

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