Assemble and upgrade your squad to deal with various monsters in Asgard Skill Master, a very fun strategy game that offers hours and hours of addicting gameplay and RPG elements! Get the full info here.
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Assemble and upgrade your squad to deal with various monsters in Asgard Skill Master, a very fun strategy game that offers hours and hours of addicting gameplay and RPG elements!
- Q, A, S, W, Z, X, D, F, E, C, V and R: Use characters magic
- Number Keys: Use god magic
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Added In: October 28th, 2016
Categories: Recommended, Strategy
Tags: Achievements, Monsters, Undeads, Upgrades, Zombies
Views: 48
Link to Asgard Skill Master
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Sadly, we still don't have any videos for this game, but here's one of Hobo 7 - HEAVEN: