In Atomic Zombie Motocross, a bored zombie looking for new challenges on a lonesome planet. Being unable to feel pain, made him create crazy motocross challenges that will keep testing his skills to find the limit. Get the full info here.
When the apocalyptic explosions settled, the only survivor became undead.
In Atomic Zombie Motocross, this cool Flash online racing game for browsers, a bored zombie looking for new challenges on a lonesome planet. Being unable to feel pain, made him create crazy motocross challenges that will keep testing his skills to find the limit.
Can you help him overcome all the tough obstacles created by the post-apocalyptic environment?
- ↑/↓: Move
- ←/→: Rotate the motorcycle
More motorcycles
Added In: June 11th, 2015
Categories: Racing
Tags: Motocross, Motorcycles, Skill, Zombies
Developer and/or publisher: GameSheep
Views: 41
Link to Atomic Zombie Motocross
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Sadly, we still don't have any videos for this game, but here's one of Stone Smacker: