Batman Returns [Master System]

Batman Returns is a side-scrolling platform game from 1992 where you'll guide the cape crusader through hordes of circus clowns and other goons defeat the Penguin. Play the Master System version here, online! Get the full info here.


The Master System version of the Batman Returns game is a side-scrolling platformer developed by Aspect and published by Sega in 1992. Here, you’ll guide the cape crusader as he fights through hordes of circus clowns and other goons defeat Penguin and the Catwoman.

Batman must move through five stages, including the streets and rooftops of Gotham City, Max Shreck’s department store, the sewers, and the Penguin’s lair. For the first four levels, a route can be selected from two options, allowing for different paths through the game.

Enemies standing in Batman’s way can be defeated by throwing the Batarang at them. At the beginning, the weapon’s range is quite limited, but can be expanded by collecting power-ups. Batman can also use his grappling hook to pull himself up to higher levels or swing across dangerous areas.Added to that, there’s his cape, which can be used as a parachute during falls.

Here, you can play the original 8-bit version set to be loaded online, on your browser!

Have fun!


  • Arrow Keys: Move (D-Pad)
  • Button 1: Z (Jumps)
  • Button 2: X (Starts game and shoots batrangs)
  • Tapping jump gets a small jump. Holding it yields a higher jump.
  • Hold Jump: Uses the cape to glide from heights
  • Jump + Direction makes Batman jump in that direction.
  • Jump while jumping uses the grappling hook.
  • Pressing Jump while the grappling hook is deployed releases the cable.
  • Pressing Up or Down while the grappling hook is deployed climbs the cable up or down.
  • Pressing Left or or Right while the grappling hook is deployed swings on the cable.
  • Attention: These controls are default. Hover your mouse into the lower part of the screen and a control bar where you can change them will show up.


  • Level Select – On the title screen, hold ↑, Jump and Attack. It will unlock the level select menu.
  • Infinite Lives – At the title screen, press ↑, ↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, →, ←, Jump. If you does it right, a sound effect will be played.
  • 50 Lives Start – At the title screen, press ↑, ↓, ↓, ↑, ←, →, Attack. If you does it right, a sound effect will be played.

More Batman

Added In: June 22nd, 2021

Categories: Classics, Platform

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Developer and/or publisher: Sega

Views: 39

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