How you can beat Balrog playing with Ken on Street Fighter II': Champion Edition, one of the best editions of the classic Capcom's fighting game franchise, if not the best. Get the full info here.
This video shows how you can beat Balrog playing with Ken on Street Fighter II’: Champion Edition, one of the best editions of the classic Capcom’s fighting game franchise, if not the best. The difficulty level is hardest and it’s the arcade version, the same we have here in our site.
Balrog is arguably the easiest boss of this game. The secret to defeat him lies on avoiding his attacks (or counter these) with a strong crouching kick, and, before he gets up, getting closer to strike him with a strong kick (standing up).
It is common see him getting dizzy after that. Then you can have a blast, throwing him or attacking him with a multiple-hit Shoryuken. A Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku can be good too, but it might leave you unguarded for some instants after the move enss.
The strategy should work with Ryu with little or no adaptation. Sagat should follow the same principle, but you might have to tweak it a bit further.
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Added In: February 15th, 2013
Categories: Walkthroughs and hints
Tags: Street Fighter
Channel: Gaming Room
Length: 01:58
Views: 132
Link to Beating Balrog with Ken on Street Fighter II’: Champion Edition