How to beat Sagat being controlled by the CPU playing with Ken on Street Fighter II': Champion Edition. Watch the video and learn the secrets. This should work with Ryu too. Get the full info here.
This is a video which describes how to beat Sagat being controlled by the CPU, playing with Ken, on Street Fighter II’: Champion Edition, the update to the seminal and incredibly popular Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (1991).
The secret is that Sagat becomes very vulnerable after he attacks, specially after Tiger Shot and Tiger Uppercut. So you must calculate the best time to counter him. When you get the hang of it, you can do some cool stuff like is done in the first round of the video.
In this version (SF2CE), he is specially stupid against low Shoryukens, as we can see in 1:07. It can be used to repel his assaults.
The strategy used on the second round should work with Ryu too (this tactic is less dependent on Shoryukens).
More Street Fighter
Added In: May 9th, 2012
Categories: Walkthroughs and hints
Tags: Street Fighter
Channel: Gaming Room
Length: 01:43
Views: 175
Link to Beating Sagat (CPU) with Ken on Street Fighter II’: Champion Edition