This video shows how you can beat Vega, using Ken, on Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition (SF2CE). Get the full info here.
This video shows how you can beat Vega, using Ken, on Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition (SF2CE).
Unlike several other AI controlled opponents in this game, he doesn’t have a well defined strategy. But that doesn’t mean that he is a hard one. Basically, you have to avoid his attacks and see the right time to counter or attack him.
There are two things we can notice when fighting him on Street Fighter II’: Champion Edition:
- The first one is that, whenever he climbs on the grid, you can avoid his attack with a Shoryuken, a strong kick or a crouching strong punch.
- The second one is that, sometimes, he takes aerial hits just after he falls. This trick used to work almost every time on Street Fighter 2 – The World Warrior, but on SF2CE it became more harder to hit this way.
- Watch the second part of the vídeo because it illustrates this strategy.
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Added In: October 22nd, 2015
Categories: Walkthroughs and hints
Tags: Street Fighter
Channel: Gaming Room
Length: 03:00
Views: 54
Link to Beating Vega with Ken on Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition