Big Pixel Racing
Big Pixel Racing is a top-down Flash racing game made entirely with nostalgic pixel art graphics where you should get ready to dig out the driving gloves and strap yourself in for some action packed street challenges. Get the full info here.
Big Pixel Racing is a top-down Flash racing game made entirely with nostalgic pixel art graphics where you should get ready to dig out the driving gloves and strap yourself in for some action packed street challenges.
In Big Pixel Racing, your little brother has got him self into a right old pickle with Big Dog, the meanest gangster in Dog City! He’s relying on you to get him out of this mess.
Work your way to the top of the ranking, earning money and blowing away the competition. Buy upgrades for your machine with the money you earn, turning that hunk of junk into a mean racing machine!
- ↑: Accelerates
- ←: Turns left
- →: Turns right
- ↓: Reverse
- The WASD also can be used to drive.
- Z or K: Use boost
- X or L: Use item
- M: Toggles the map screen on and off
- Use the space bar to enter races, enter and exit the shop, and skip past the in-game story.
Latest updates
Added In: November 14th, 2012
Categories: Racing
Tags: Pixel Art, Race, Top-Down Race, Under construction
Developer and/or publisher: Big Pixel Studios
Views: 30
Link to Big Pixel Racing
Featured video
Sadly, we still don't have any videos for this game, but here's one of The Great Kitchen Escape: