Black Belt is a beat 'em up similar to Kung-Fu Master and also an international localization of Hokuto no Ken. The player controls highly skilled karateka who must rescue his beautiful girlfriend from the hands of a powerful scumbag. Get the full info here.


Black Belt is a side-scrolling beat ’em up fighting game that is similar to Kung-Fu Master and is also an international localization of Hokuto no Ken, although it makes no references to the original works and features slight gameplay changes. It was developed by Sega and initially released in November 1986.

In Black Belt, the player controls, Riki. a highly skilled karateka who must face a multitude of enemies, which range from crazy Arabs and women with flamethrowers to demons, to rescue his beautiful girlfriend, Kyoko, from the hands of a powerful and sneaky scumbag.

Published by Sega itself to Master System, Black Belt was not very well received by specialized critics, but these must be illiterate, as this game brings a lot with just about 1 megabit, including good gameplay, pleasant visuals and good incentive the competition.

Enjoy here the original game set to be played online, in your browser (HTML5)!


Black Belt is 2D fighting game split into seven chapters, each of them filled with low tier enemies, that may come bare handed or equipped with weapons that include whips, knives, swords, and flamethrowers. During these chapters, you are fighting Chinese Kung Fu men, wrestlers, jujitsu men, eagles, ninjas, and black women.

When you get halfway through the chapter, there are a sub-boss encounters, with take more than just one hit to be killed, unlike the regular foes. At the end of each chapter, there is a powerful boss in a battle that looks like those of competitive fighting games such as Street Fighter. Each end chapter boss has their own personal strengths and weaknesses.

Once you get hit by an enemy or boss, you will lose energy. once you lose all energy, you lose a life. Health can be recovered by collecting the items that show up flying on the top of the screen or by defeating middle bosses. Defeating middle bosses will recover a maximum of about an eighth of Riki’s total health. Defeating 10 low tier enemies grants some health as well.


  • ← and → – Move left and right
  • – Jump
  • – Crouch
  • ↓, ↑ – High jump
  • Button 1 – Z (Kick)
  • Button 2 – X (Punch)
  • Attention – These controls are default for Player 1. Hover your mouse into the lower part of the screen and a control bar will show up. Click on the gamepad icon and set the Player 2 controls if you want to play Black Belt with a friend or just want to change the default key configurations.


“The most life-like karate game ever to meet the video screen.

It’s a post nuclear war setting. And the bad guys seem to be getting the best of things.

You use your Black Belt standing to try to restore order to a chaotic world.

In each round you must battle an entire enemy corps as well as its leader. And in each round the backgrounds – as well as your opponent’s fighting styles – continue to change.

Use everything the masters have taught you to stop the violence and restore peace.”

More info and beat ’em up

Added In: April 16th, 2024

Categories: Classics, Fighting

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Developer and/or publisher: Sega

Views: 41

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