Castle Siege
Castle Siege is a free online physics-based puzzler where you'll shoot cannonballs at parts of the enemy structures in order to destroy them. When their castles fall, the guards are eliminated. Get the full info here.
Castle Siege is a free online (HTML5) physics-based puzzler where you’ll shoot cannonballs at parts of the enemy structures in order to destroy them. When their castles fall, the guards are eliminated.
Use your brains to aim your cannon at the best spots possible, so you can break the structures into multiple pieces with less shots to earn more crowns!
Castle Siege features an innovative splitting mechanic, comedic sound effects, fun and relaxed gameplay, treasures to be collected, and scores to be increased.
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Added In: June 5th, 2019
Categories: Puzzlers
Developer and/or publisher: MarketJS
Views: 33
Link to Castle Siege
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Sadly, we still don't have any videos for this game, but here's one of Pixelkenstein Halloween: