In Dead Detention: Episode 2 Anime Club, Naomi and Max meet up with Sam from the Anime Club, and begin working with them to survive the mutant zombies that are lurking the school's hallways. Get the full info here.
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Dead Detention: Episode 2 Anime Club is the episode of the interactive manga series Dead Detention where Naomi and Max meet up with Sam from the Anime Club, and begin working with them to survive the mutant zombies that are lurking the school’s hallways.
Other Dead Detention episodes
Added In: September 18th, 2018
Categories: Others
Tags: Anime, Cartoon, Dead Detention (Series), Manga, Under construction, Zombies
Views: 40
Link to Dead Detention: Episode 2 Anime Club
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Sadly, we still don't have any videos for this game, but here's one of Hobo 3 - Wanted: