James The Deep Sea Zebra

Take a relaxing dip in the ocean with James the Deep Sea Zebra. Look out though, there is something monstrous lurking down there… The game features 2 bonus games that are unlocked forever once you play through the main game once! Controls ← and →: Move ↑: Swim up More animals Share this on WhatsApp Get the full info here.

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Take a relaxing dip in the ocean with James the Deep Sea Zebra. Look out though, there is something monstrous lurking down there…

The game features 2 bonus games that are unlocked forever once you play through the main game once!


  • ← and →: Move
  • ↑: Swim up

More animals

Added In: August 13th, 2011

Categories: Action

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Developer and/or publisher: SuperFlashBros

Views: 9

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