You find yourself in the middle of nowhere. Hoards of zombies are slowly crawling towards you. It’s been days since you last slept. You feel like giving up. Surrounded. Alone. And all that’s left to accompany you in these last minutes of your life are: Pistol: Your regular pistol made by unknown manufacturer, presumably in […] Get the full info here.
You find yourself in the middle of nowhere. Hoards of zombies are slowly crawling towards you. It’s been days since you last slept.
You feel like giving up.
And all that’s left to accompany you in these last minutes of your life are:
- Pistol: Your regular pistol made by unknown manufacturer, presumably in Czech Republic or China. Judging from the number of wrecked bodies next to the corps of its ex-owner – this little feller can save a few more lives, but you shouldn’t bet on it.
- Sawn-off shotgun: It’s still unclear why someone would cut the barrel of an expensive collectable shotgun, but either way – 40 grams of lead pellets will blow up almost any civilian zombie. It’s also perfect for hunting vermin and opening beers.
- Shotgun Remington 870: nearly 70 years on the market. This one is highly recommended as a perfect gear to hunt large two-legged straight-walking animals. If you look closely you can see a few dozen marks on its butt – these were left there by your predecessor who carefully counted each kill.
- MP5: Personal favourite of Mother Teresa and top choice of several elite forces – it was the first one to taste zombie’s blood (or whatever they have there). Fast, light and easy. German quality and durability at your service, now in hands of the peasants.
- AK47: Simple, reliable and deadly weapon that even a blond zombie can handle. Luckily none of the zombies got to its carrier with either hand intact. This one can easily blow a hole through a bullet-proof west with rotting body in it at about 100 meters. It’s old and its butt is full of cracks from frequent impacts on zombie skulls.
- M1919: Good ol’ Browning machine gun. For over 50 years this lad was busy doing everything from wrecking Nazi planes and light tanks during WWII, to enforcing death on enemy lines in ‘Nam. It can easily handle hoards of zombies, but you’ll need to be patient – it takes a while to reload. On the bright side – it’s heavy enough to be used even without bullets.
- AutoShotgun. This exotic friend from RSA would make Nelson Mandela proud. It’s a fully automated shotgun with an impressive shop. Wolfram pellets will gently cut through the bullet-proof vest and its owner, the next bullet-proof vest and that other owner, another bullet-proof-vest… and so on. The only downside of this stud is its rarity and heavy recoil, but the upside – it comes with a trendy key-chain.
- RPG: Widely-produced, portable, shoulder-launched, anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launcher, made by soviets to fight enemies, but was mostly used to fight soviets. With this in mind it shouldn’t come as a surprise that this little comrade is extremely efficient fighting both capitalistic and communistic undead.
- Use your mouse to point and shoot.
- Use the WASD keys to move around.
- Use the spacebar to throw grenades.
- Use Q key to turn on night-vision.
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Added In: March 9th, 2012
Tags: Grenades, Guns, Left 4 Dead, Rifles, Survival, Top-Down, Zombies
Views: 54
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