Lunar Patrol 2012 is a flash remake of the classic Moon Patrol game, an horizontal scrolling shooter created in 1982 by Irem. Controls ↑: Jumps Z: Fires Share this on WhatsApp Get the full info here.
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Lunar Patrol 2012 is a flash remake of the classic Moon Patrol game, an horizontal scrolling shooter created in 1982 by Irem.
- ↑: Jumps
- Z: Fires
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Added In: April 7th, 2016
Categories: Arcade, Classics, Shooting
Tags: Moon Patrol, Remakes, Run and Gun, Space
Developer and/or publisher: videogiochi
Views: 20
Link to Lunar Patrol 2012
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Sadly, we still don't have any videos for this game, but here's one of Mini Bubbles:
The back arrow key does not move the buggy back. Once you move forward you are stuck there.
that’s weird. Anyway, I can’t move forward either.