Mine Blocks

Mine Blocks is a very cool 2D Minecraft-clone that promises us the freedom to do whatever we want, the way we want it. As in the original, you will mine the resources, craft your materials, build your castle, explore the land and slay some monsters! This fangame is pretty well done and features quite similar […] Get the full info here.

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Mine Blocks is a very cool 2D Minecraft-clone that promises us the freedom to do whatever we want, the way we want it. As in the original, you will mine the resources, craft your materials, build your castle, explore the land and slay some monsters!

This fangame is pretty well done and features quite similar elements and concepts with the Mojang’s hit, like monsters, items, rules, mechanics and even the crafting recipes are pretty much the same as the original. Mine Blocks can be a pretty good substitute to play in your browser if you can’t have the original at the moment.


  • E: Inventory
  • H: Help Screen
  • Space Bar: Jumps
  • ESC: Pause menu/Options
  • WASD: Movement
  • SHIFT + Left Mouse Button: Works like the right mouse button on Minecraft.
  • If you press the right mouse button, the game will be f*cked up and the char will be locked in the map without being able to move. If that happens, click outside the Mine Blocks rectangle with the right mouse button and then click inside the game’s rectangle with the right mouse button.

Instructions and get started

  • You spawn in a vast world, all by yourself. To get started, you must mine the materials;
  • Use your mouse to position the red cursor over the block you want to mine. Click and HOLD the left mouse button until the block pops off!
  • Now that you have a block, you can craft it! Go into your inventory by pressing CTRL on your keyboard. You can now drag around the blocks in your inventory. You can drag individual blocks by holding down SHIFT when you click;
  • Drag the blocks in the crafting area, and see what you can make: 1 wood = 4 wooden planks. 2 wooden planks = 4 sticks. 4 wooden planks = 1 crafting table;
  • To place blocks – such as a crafting table – close out of the inventory;
  • Now hold down shift, and position the GREEN cursor at the spot you want to place the block. Now SHIFT + Click!
  • For further help, press H, and the Help window will appear. Even more questions? You can have more info in the official game’s wiki as well.

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Added In: February 2nd, 2012

Categories: Adventure, Puzzlers, Recommended

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Views: 79

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Sadly, we still don't have any videos for this game, but here's one of Zombie Survival: Outbreak:

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