Moto Maniac is a cool lateral bike racing game where you need to overcome all the obstacles as fast as you can and go through the port docks trying not to fall into the water. And avoiding hitting your head too, of course. Get the full info here.


Moto Maniac is a cool lateral bike racing game where you need to overcome all the obstacles as fast as you can and go through the port docks trying not to fall into the water.

And avoiding hitting your head too, of course.


  • ↑ or W: Accelerates
  • ← and → or A and D: Tilts left and right/balance
  • ↓ or D: Brakes/reverse
  • P: Pauses game

P.S.: if you liked Moto Maniac, you should also try its sequel, Moto Maniac 2. Moto X3M Pool Party is also pretty cool and features a similar theme.

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Added In: August 8th, 2020

Categories: Racing, Sports

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Developer and/or publisher: IriySoft

Views: 21

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