Occupy Wall Street

Beat the hell outta zombies and other brain dead manifestants in this fighting game, with strategic elements that look like the popular Plant vs. Zombies game. Controls WASD: Moves J: Attacks Q and E: Change weapon L: Calls fire support: machinegun strafe needs 50 rage point, missile volley needs 100 rage points Spacebar: Sends telecar […] Get the full info here.

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Beat the hell outta zombies and other brain dead manifestants in this fighting game, with strategic elements that look like the popular Plant vs. Zombies game.


  • WASD: Moves
  • J: Attacks
  • Q and E: Change weapon
  • L: Calls fire support: machinegun strafe needs 50 rage point, missile volley needs 100 rage points
  • Spacebar: Sends telecar to collect item: 10 rage points
  • 1-5: Set teammates on the road, needs 40 rage points

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Added In: November 14th, 2012

Categories: Fighting, Strategy

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Developer and/or publisher: 1277273839

Views: 17

Link to Occupy Wall Street

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Sadly, we still don't have any videos for this game, but here's one of Zombie Outbreak Arena:

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