Rash Race is a motorcycle racing game made in Flash that follows the old Master System's Hang On style. Here, you will rash your bike in a tough competition where you have to be fast to win! Get the full info here.
Rash Race is a motorcycle racing game made in Flash that follows the old Master System’s Hang On style. Here, you will rash your bike in a tough competition where you have to be fast to win!
Each track has with five laps, and each one of them must be completed within only a few seconds!
Just don’t lag around!
- Control your bike with the arrow keys.
More Hang On-like games
Added In: October 2nd, 2012
Tags: Flash, Hang On, Motorcycles, Under construction
Developer and/or publisher: games939
Views: 28
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Sadly, we still don't have any videos for this game, but here's one of Robox: