Street Fighter Madness is an action packed beat 'em up fighting game where Luke Steel is about to have his revenge, as he is after everyone in his rival group dead after what he had done to him. Get the full info here.
Street Fighter Madness is an action packed beat ’em up fighting game for browsers where Luke Steel is about to have his revenge, as he is after everyone in his rival group dead after what he had done to him.
Help Luke beat all his opponents on each level!
Controls and instructions
- Arrow Keys: Move
- Space Bar: Jumps
- Z: Punches
- X: Kicks
- C: Blocks
- P: Pauses game
- Destroy drum cans and wooden boxes because these might drop weapons that can help you eliminate your enemies, who will get stronger and stronger as you progress through the game!
Latest updates
Added In: May 10th, 2019
Categories: Fighting
Tags: Beat 'em up, HTML5
Developer and/or publisher: Vseigru
Views: 27
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Sadly, we still don't have any videos for this game, but here's one of Zombie Outbreak Arena: