Relive your glory days of cutting class and going to the quad to play hacky sack and talk about the Phish show. Or just remember the Footbag event from California Games! You have four characters to choose, five different stages and three difficult levels. Controls 1,2,3: switch chars Q: quality W: exit, quit Click the […] Get the full info here.
Relive your glory days of cutting class and going to the quad to play hacky sack and talk about the Phish show. Or just remember the Footbag event from California Games!
You have four characters to choose, five different stages and three difficult levels.
- 1,2,3: switch chars
- Q: quality
- W: exit, quit
- Click the mouse to autoclick
- A: left high kick
- S: jump headbutt
- D: right high kick
- Z: left low kick
- X: headbutt
- C: right low kick
More soccer
Added In: May 9th, 2012
Categories: Sports
Tags: California Games, Flash, Hack Sack, Soccer, Under construction
Developer and/or publisher: Flash Game Studio
Views: 24
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