Angry Birds (Series)
Games from the Angry Birds series, a game franchise created by the Finnish company Rovio Entertainment, or games that are based or look like it. Angry Birds games focus on multi-colored birds who try to save their eggs from the pigs, their enemies. Inspired by Crush the Castle, Angry Birds has been praised for its successful combination of fun and casual gameplay, comical style, and low price.
Games or posts with the ‘Angry Birds (Series)’ tag
Zombie Launcher Winter Season
Views: 26Angry Cows
Views: 32Crush The Castle 2: Players Pack
Views: 52Crush The Castle
Views: 34Crush the Castle 2
Views: 73Cat Revenge
Views: 42Pudding Strike
Views: 81Featured Game
Iron Hike
Help Iron Hike in his adventure, in this cool and fun retro platformer game, inspired by Mario Bros, avoiding creatures, pitfalls and solving puzzles that stand inbetween you and your goal. Controls Start/Pause => [Enter] Move => [Arrow Keys] Jump => [D] You may configure the controls at anytime If you liked this game, you […]