Beat ’em up

A beat ’em up video game, sometimes called “brawlers”, is a fighting game featuring melee combat between the protagonist, with or without other players or characters in a cooperative mode against and a large number of antagonists. Usually the enemies are underpowered, but not always. Also, there are often itens and/or weapons that can be used by the players that can either found or taken from adversaries. Classic examples of Beat ‘Em Up games are Double Dragon, Final Fight, Golden Axe, Streets Of Rage (Bare Knucle), Cadillacs and Dinosaurs and many others.

Games or posts with the ‘Beat ’em up’ tag

The Punisher

The Punisher

Views: 40


Views: 67
Street Fight

Street Fight

Views: 135
Age of Quest

Age of Quest

Views: 27
Streets Rage

Streets Rage

Views: 173
Steel Fists

Steel Fists

Views: 57


Views: 22

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