Lotus (Series)
Games from the Lotus series, three computer games based around the Lotus brand: Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge, Lotus Turbo Challenge 2, and Lotus III: The Ultimate Challenge. The games were published between 1990 and 1992 by Gremlin Graphics. We have also games that look like the series’ titles or were inspired by it.
Games or posts with the ‘Lotus (Series)’ tag
Free Gear
Views: 89Lotus III: The Ultimate Challenge
Views: 38MS Paint Racers
Views: 6Freegear Z
Views: 19Freegear
Views: 24Sportscar Racing
Views: 19Heat Rush Future
Views: 27Just Shut Up & Drive
Views: 39HeatRush
Views: 67Featured Game
The Combatribes
The Combatribes is a 2D side-scrolling brawler by Technos originally released in 1990 to the arcades where three bulk vigilantes beat an evil crime organization up. Here, we have this version ready to be played online.