Wolverine is making his last stand and has to battle through waves of enemies, in this old school-like beat 'em up online game. Get the full info here.
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Wolverine is making his last stand and has to battle through waves of enemies, in this old school-like beat ’em up online game.
Beat the bosses on each difficulty, power-up Wolverine, buy upgrades and earn achievements along the way.
- ← and →: Move left and right
- ↑: Jumps
- ↓: Ducks
- Z: Claws
- X: Kick
- ↓: Lower cut
- Space Bar: Special power
- P: Pauses
- M: Mute sounds
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Added In: August 16th, 2017
Categories: Fighting
Tags: Achievements, Beat 'em up, Marvel, Side-scrolling, Superhero, Under construction, Upgrades
Developer and/or publisher: GameSumo
Views: 15
Link to Wolverine: The Last Stand
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Sadly, we still don't have any videos for this game, but here's one of Zombie Survival: Outbreak: